Well-Nigh Unassailable

Well-Nigh Unassailable

Relationships coming to an end has been a BIG theme in my circles this week, and by relationships I’m referring to an emotional connection between living souls - not exclusive to a four letter word beginning with L and ending in E. I had a friendship end as recently as a month ago. I didn’t argue, I didn’t ponder, I moved on as I’m sure they have.

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Dear Virgo,

Dear Virgo,

One common Virgo trait is the tendency to be introspective, additionally for me with Moon in Gemini, Moon square Mercury specifically (Science) … there is always a conflict between my head and my heart. My emotions telling me one thing and my mind telling me something else. The result is a see-saw effect: Emotional to the point of irrationality at one moment, and logical the next.

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With deep changes in two of my relationship categories; marriage and family (parent-child) I’ve been in my feelings about what it takes to have loving relationships. We can learn a lot from self-observation and while I did not find the keys to success, I do understand relationships can be ‘third entities.” Entities that can lead an existence independent of the will or desire of its partners or one that can prove far stronger than either individual.

Perhaps the prolific Dominican and African-American poet John David Jackson said it best…

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Peace II

Peace II

Journal Entry – April 11, 2021

I’m learning (& practicing) not becoming upset when some- thing/one irritates me. It is not easy to find peace when you are irritated or angered. One glaring example for me is becoming agitated while driving— happens to all of us I’m sure, a part of the human experience. I offset this by allowing myself plenty of time to get wherever I’m going, this has created a habit in me to always be on time. Unfortunately it created another opportunity for me; becoming irritated when others are late.

Lol, I’m just serious.

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Two Sides to Every Story and the Truth

 Two Sides to Every Story and the Truth

When you taste a slice of pizza, you “know” it at a direct sensory level. You talk about how much you enjoy the taste of it and the way it feels in your mouf’, you try to describe it to someone else, even write a love song about it, but you will never be able to effectively communicate the quintessence of the sensory in words. Another person who has tasted The P can share your sense of enthusiasm, but he or she will never know YOUR experience of it. Others can describe their experience of The P, but YOU’LL never know as they knew it.

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Change II

Change II

I turned 50 on September 21st, to make it memorable I took a solo excursion to Philadelphia. There are advantages to traveling alone, for me it solidifies what I believe about myself; I enjoy myself when no one else is around, I Am self-reliant, and adaptable. Additionally, the opportunity for self reflection is valuable. Without a travel partner, I can create and store my own sense of meaning from each trip. Self-reflection can be painful at times, but also fulfilling. Time alone while traveling presents an opportunity and a gift to take a careful look at yourself, your life, and your experiences.

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Sealey's Sanitary Barber Shop

Sealey's Sanitary Barber Shop

Sealey's Sanitary Barber Shop, Established 1945

In an article published in The American Scholar, Eric Fridman wrote, "The success of a barbershop is more than a testimony to the skills and courtesies of its owner. It also bears witness to the barbershop's importance as a ritual place where the private and public concerns of men conjoin to create an experience of psychological comfort, social significance, and simple masculine pleasure."

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Random Observation #4,500

Random Observation #4,500

The other morning Mrs. T and I had a ‘difference’ about some insignificant thing, at the time it was not as insignificant as I hopped in the shower, got dressed and went to see a man about a horse. I honestly do not remember what the thing was, I do however remember thinking that most of us operate under the assumption that our way of doing life is mostly correct, and others’ ways are varying degrees of wrong.

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A Feeling/ Thought Split

A Feeling/ Thought Split

Last week I mentioned that there were times where I feel extreme loneliness and being unable to effectively communicate what it feels like in words and y’all came to check on me. 

I’m good.

It was 65 percent observational and 34.99 percent personal, I’m so good at math. Observed through random conversations about nothing and yet everything. It’s important to define loneliness as a subjective indicator offeeling alone; an inconsistency between an actual level of connection and a desired level of connection where the desired level varies between different people.

“We can be lonely but not alone, and we can be alone but not lonely”


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Random Observation #2,920

Random Observation #2,920

Yesterday I made an appointment with my primary care physician for a physical, I’m “I only need a physical every two years” old. I have been seeing my Dr. for a very long time and believe he genuinely cares about the well-being of his patients. That being written I am reminded of a conversation we had years ago and it is (was) the catalyst for a shift in the way I live.

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The Shape of Things

The Shape of Things

Life taught me to see the best in people, and it’s driven me mental when people saw the worst in me. Would rather life said, show them the best in themselves because they forget that as well. Self-improvement is a two-way street. There’s a math to moving forward but the geometry (the mathematics of lines, shapes, and angles) always gets us down.

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