Love Impressions

Love Impressions

I like things in their place, I'm not a neat freak per se but I do like things neat, organized, and in good order – Fastidious.

The word fastidious traces to the Latin noun fastidium, meaning "aversion" or "disgust." Fastidium itself is probably a combination of the Latin words fastus, meaning "arrogance," and taedium, meaning "irksomeness" or "disgust." Shout out to my HS Latin teacher Shirley Wingo. 

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A Short Story Starring Me and You, Yo’ Mama and Yo’ Cousin Too

A Short Story Starring Me and You, Yo’ Mama and Yo’ Cousin Too

A Tale of Lost Love and Lessons Learned

They say that a four-letter word beginning with L and ending in E is a journey of twists, turns, joy, and heartbreak. For some of us, there is someone from our past who has left an indelible placeholder on our heart. The Wo/Man who slipped through our fingers and away from our lovesick soul, leaving behind cherished memories and valuable life lessons…

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Forty Years To Life - AS Esq.

Forty Years To Life - AS Esq.

“One must possess oneself, and be alone in possession of oneself.”

We can’t take care of others of we don’t take care of ourselves; in a relationship, a family or a friendship — A supreme challenge of life is reconciling the longing to fulfill ourselves in union, in partnership, and in love. Writing helps me reconcile that longing. I open my space to others to express themselves, to carve out a little time to say their ‘peace’

AS Esq.,

4-0, UM OK?

Last time I submitted a piece; I was counting down to 39! Oh how my days have changed! …

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The Cure by Love

The Cure by Love

I’m having déjà vu and amnesia at the same time— I think I’ve written this before. Maybe it was a conversation with one of the two of you who read my blog?

Of Attractiveness

The other night I celebrated with a friend on her birthday, there were three of us— It was small and intimate. A week prior I got F.R.E.S.H. with a full haircut to celebrate another friend on her birthday. Due to timing and a need to ‘stay ready,’ I got a ‘fresh up (hair and beard line up) for the weeks’ end activities.

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Independently Dependent - O. B. TramueL

Independently Dependent - O. B. TramueL

Recently I wrote about meeting people where they are. 


Young, Middle Age, and Older Adults

Over the past ten years, I have connected with truly remarkable people. Our lives go better connecting with those who help us evolve into our higher selves. Life has taught me to see the best in people, and it’s driven me mental when people see the worst in me. Life should say show them the best in themselves because they forget that. Self-improvement is a two-way street.

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Insane In the Membrane

Insane In the Membrane

What Do You Do To Protect Yourself From Pain?

I protect myself with a complicated set of traps & defense mechanisms.

I received a lot of private feedback on this sentence from my post,

"I could be a great boyfriend, partner, or husband except… I do NOT want to do the work."

Mostly you need to heal, you're hurt, and you need time feedback.

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Life Changes - Nikks

Life Changes - Nikks

“Love is the one game you lose by refusing to play.

I heard that quote a very long time ago, I think on Ally McBeal… is my age showing? I think that we can replace the word “love” with the word “life.” I’ve realized if you don’t live in the dash, you lose.

It’s a simple rule, 19xx - 20xx, the dash between birth and expiration.

That dash is your life.

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Life Changes - Cleopatra

Life Changes - Cleopatra

Hey younger Cleo,

This is you from 2022. You don’t know this yet, but you are in for an emotional rollercoaster. There will be times when you question yourself, God, life, family, and your career but you will make it through a tougher cookie. The road will not be easy and the scars will take years to heal. In the end, you will know that all good and bad things will come to an end. When you are my age, you will understand. When you turn 20, you will meet someone who will be by your side through all this fuck shit. I will not give much away regarding the relationship.

Just be patient.

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We Fly Like That

We Fly Like That

“Falling in love” implies a descension, also a bit of risk, too. When we fall it is generally associated with something negative happening to us. I tripped and fell inside of a woman I just met and now she is carrying my baby. Bad meaning bad, not bad meaning good. In the curious case of falling in love however, we tend to glamorize and adore the fall.

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The Shape of Things

The Shape of Things

Life taught me to see the best in people, and it’s driven me mental when people saw the worst in me. Would rather life said, show them the best in themselves because they forget that as well. Self-improvement is a two-way street. There’s a math to moving forward but the geometry (the mathematics of lines, shapes, and angles) always gets us down.

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October Observation #12

October Observation #12

Serendipitous Occurrences

This shall be known as the summer of thunderstorms. This morning on my drive to work I watched a young man offer a young woman his umbrella in passing, I don’t know what words were exchanged but it must have been fly, as I glanced back through the rearview mirror; both moved in the direction originally traveled by the young woman, both smiling uncontrollably, both moving through the rain with enthusiasm and a positive outlook.

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October Observation #2

October Observation #2

First Choice

What started as a joke with a my homie worker friend last week ended up as a vow to create a poll to see if women and men are with their first choice or if they've settled.

It started with random observations about nothing, yet everything concerning a few odd couple pairings, note I am using too me language -- The couples are in different stages of their relationships although most are planning weddings, recently married or have been dating for a long time.

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