Two Sides to Every Story and the Truth

Two sides fighting about who has the “real” truth?

All “truth” is local to the brain in which it resides.

Photo by JD Mason on Unsplash

Hashtag All Truths Matter

Living Souls are sloppy with facts, evidence and the things we believe as a result of them, or in spite of them. The most direct, intimate, and fundamental way we can “know” something is by our own personal, sensory experience of it, which happens before we say anything about it or how we remember it. We experience it with our senses, before we begin to think about it in absolute terms.

When you taste a slice of pizza, you “know” it at a direct sensory level. You talk about how much you enjoy the taste of it and the way it feels in your mouf’, you try to describe it to someone else, even write a love song about it, but you will never be able to effectively communicate the quintessence of the sensory in words. Another person who has tasted The P can share your sense of enthusiasm, but he or she will never know YOUR experience of it. Others can describe their experience of The P, but YOU’LL never know as they knew it.

Truth is not only local to the brain in which it resides, but also relative to the original sensory experience on which it is supposedly based. 


We seek “reasons” for what we observe; A causes B, if we don’t want B to happen, we have to make sure A doesn’t happen.

We (also) tend to perceive cause-and-effect connections we can easily understand. It can’t always be so simple – A affects B, which affects C, which affects J, which affects B, which affects R, which affects A.


Postulates and Theorems

This is (also) how I learned to stop arguing with people, and to stop engaging in win-lose encounters. If the outcome is to have someone agree with your “truth” then presenting it in an aggressive, coercive manner is not an effective choice.

Faced with the choice between changing one’s mind and proving there is no need to do so, most people get busy on the proof.

- John Kenneth Galbraith 

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