Journal - Advice
/I’ve stopped giving advice (or providing an opinion) unless explicitly asked for it. I’ve held for the longest time the same position that most living souls don’t want you to problem solve, they want their choices validated.
Read MoreJournal - Anxiety
/I’ve had anxiety about driving after my car accident. It comes and goes, an ongoing general feeling of uneasiness. Memories of the accident replay over in my head, triggered at times by seeing an Audi…
Read MoreJournal - The Learning Tree
/She attracts the most good fortune when she puts her "all" into a project or undertaking, and uses her magical powers for good, not evil.
Read MoreJournal - Father's Day
/“There is both pleasure and penalty, both promising possibility and punishment for choosing to live an unscripted life.”
Read MoreGod Is The Greatest!
/But Satan Been On His Shit
Two Thousand and Eighteen for my family; immediate and extended has been incredible. We’ve had some lows but mostly been high. For me personally there is no greater example of God being the greatest and Satan trying to tear everything down than the last few weeks of the year.
Read MoreOctober Observation #15
/Fantasy Vs. Perspective
Creative imagination, unrestrained fancy. A capricious or fantastic idea; a conceit. An imagined event or sequence of mental images; a daydream fulfilling a wish or psychological need. Obsolete, a hallucination.
Read MoreOctober Observation #13 & #14
/Literal Integration
My observations are born from conversations with people I interact with at work, at home, at the coffee shop, on a run, in transit —Life. Most of them could be fleshed out into whole ass essays but ain't nobody got time for that.
Keep up.
Michelle and I visited with our great couple friends and soon to be neighbors in Harrisburg. The two observations below materialized from breaking bread, and drinking drank with them.
Read MoreOctober Observation #12
/Serendipitous Occurrences
This shall be known as the summer of thunderstorms. This morning on my drive to work I watched a young man offer a young woman his umbrella in passing, I don’t know what words were exchanged but it must have been fly, as I glanced back through the rearview mirror; both moved in the direction originally traveled by the young woman, both smiling uncontrollably, both moving through the rain with enthusiasm and a positive outlook.
Read MoreOctober Observation #11
/Five Things I Learned From Being a Kid
Be More Childlike and Less Childish
Young children are often impulsive, pouty, and with frequent outbursts of anger. If you don't have kids, listen to me know and believe me later. Behaviorally, they are prone to lying, blame others to avoid responsibility, are predisposed to bullying, and often need to be the center of attention.
Adults are playful, creative, unselfish, and teachable.
Read MoreOctober Observation #10
/People Who Don't Hear Me
In social settings, I Am generally reserved and feel most comfortable one on one or one on two. Most of us like the energy in the room; loud music, laughter, or sports broadcasted across large screens -- These are all nice but in order for me to enjoy myself, I have to charge up my energy to participate. I do enjoy the connection with people I'm speaking to, but the energy in the room takes a lot out of me and I need at least two-three days to recover.
Lol, I'm just serious.
Read MoreOctober Observation #9
/Food for thought.
Sat down at the bar inside of Cedar Street Tavern to order lunch, incidentally I had a small garden salad with honey mustard dressing and a chicken salad sandwich on wheatberry bread with a side of fries. I do it.
Read MoreOctober Observation #8
Although I Am a consumer of music, I Am also creating. Creating memories on my morning run, while working out, on my walk to/and on the bus, or while I'm working. While we are watching movies, watching our favorite shows or breaking bread — the music we hear has the power to fuel us continually at levels more than just words.
Read MoreOctober Observation #7
/Life Lessons
Things can’t be pleasant all the time.
Trouble can be a teacher in disguise.
What you need may not be what you want.
Read MoreOctober Observation #6
/To Me Language
I take stock in what is off putting for me when conversing with others. Having that awareness keeps me honest about what and how I communicate. Excluding family, close friends, and living souls I Am comfortable around, those people whom I consider family but ain’t blood — because we are who we are around them.
Read MoreOctober Observation #5
/Happy Birthday!
Tomorrow is my first sister's birthday (writing older sister sounds rude ;) and as I am going through my little contretemps with Geneva I’m reminded of how I treated my folks at the same age. In retrospect I believed everyone was responsible for my shortcomings, I was selfish and self-centered.
Read MoreOctober Observation #4
/Society Socks
During the week the toughest decision I face in the morning is what socks to wear.
I wake up without an alarm clock, meditate, drink water, take my vitamins and head to the YMCA without missing a beat. Returning home to fix a protein shake, pack lunch, shower and get dressed.
While I have managed to fit all of the above in a two-hour window the thing that throws me off of schedule is deciding on socks.
Lol, I'm just serious.
Read MoreOctober Observation #3
/Audi 5000
I’ve shared with y’all that I intend on buying a new (to me) / used car after we close on our new home. The avarice of my eye is a 2014 Audi A5 Coupe. I haven’t had a car payment in a long time and I’ve done a beautiful mind calculation on how much car I could afford with the shortest loan period.
Read MoreOctober Observation #2
/First Choice
What started as a joke with a my homie worker friend last week ended up as a vow to create a poll to see if women and men are with their first choice or if they've settled.
It started with random observations about nothing, yet everything concerning a few odd couple pairings, note I am using too me language -- The couples are in different stages of their relationships although most are planning weddings, recently married or have been dating for a long time.
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