Market of Discount Dreams

Market of Discount Dreams

The other day while having a discussion about Cash Rules Everything Around Me, CREAM get the money, dollar, dollar bill Y'all. It led to a familiar discussion that I’ve been having with greater than enough frequency lately, living souls being obsessed with making the greatest amount of money with the least possible effort.

I like money, but I’ve learned it cannot make you happy. In the words of the prolific rhymer Christopher George Latore Wallace, Mo Money Mo Problems. Also, I would sign up for a test to see if $500MM would indeed make me happy – it is a delicate duality to balance.

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Don't Fall in Love, Fly in Love

Don't Fall in Love, Fly in Love

Someone asked me "why did you get married?" and I answered with quick wit and a somewhat comical reply. A typical defense when someone asks you a question you're not sure how or simply unprepared to answer. 

"Michelle keeps food in the house and the utilities on." "Also, she is fine as fuck."

Them: "Seriously, and don't say for love."

The question was fielded by someone whom I share a lot with, there are often deep conversations where we opine about life and all of its ironic twist.

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Work All Our Lives

Work All Our Lives

12:00 PM EST appointment with Sheena of AlphaMale Nail Care Services for Men inside of The House of LeMond.


MANicure from the Latin word Manus meaning hand, keep up, but that’s not why we are here.

Shout out to my High School Latin Teacher Shirly Wingo.

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Few Antipathies #2

Few Antipathies #2

I enjoy guilty pleasures blog posts. However, they tend to list things that are sensible to enjoy by sensible people. I have never seen a list that included things that would bring harm to others for pleasure (cruelty), crimes, or things considered morally reprehensible. Often times, the lists are comprised of things that living souls should have the right to enjoy.

I feel no guilt for doing something that I enjoy, that doesn’t harm others.

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♬ Patents of Nobility

Jay Electronica
Patents Of Nobility (Unreleased) feat. Muhammad Ali
0:00 / 0:00

The Muhammad Ali interview that introduces the song is from his 1974 interview with Michael Parkinson.

Muhammad Ali Parkinson Interview 1974

For Colored Boys Who Have Considered a New Barber/When their Barber is Out of the Country

For Colored Boys Who Have Considered a New Barber/When their Barber is Out of the Country

Over the Christmas and New Year Holidays, my barber traveled to Jamaica to spend the last few weeks of 2017 doing some maintenance and upkeep of a home he owns. In conversation, I eluded to the fact that I would be here in these United of States looking unkempt while he would lay on a beach looking at beautiful women kissed by the Sun. He assured me that it was not a trip for leisure.

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Mock Aggression

Mock Aggression

I've been meditating consistently for the past four months. Typically first thing when I wake, then an afternoon quickie and then to block out the noise on the bus ride home. On average I meditate about 30 minutes per day, while this has helped in areas such as focus, concentration and encouragement for a healthier life – it has also helped me to become more self-aware.

The opportunity withself-awareness has been following a code of intelligent discourse. Today provided several opportunities. Starting with my workout at the YMCA, driving Brian to school, grabbing coffee, the bus ride to work and work itself.

A code of intelligent discourse...

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Love From Living Things

I recently started using Proton Mail, it provides end-to-end encrypted email through a web interface and mobile app. It will replace all other clients for me and I’ve started to delete my footprint(s) on Yahoo, Outlook and Gmail – In that process I came across my responses to a series Sunny did for her blog where she asked

 "Are you more like your mom or your dad?  In what way?"

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