Speaking With A Glance

Speaking With A Glance

I’ve been a member at the Stratford Richardson YMCA since it opened its doors in 2007. Over the past 52 weeks, I have been in there no less than three times per week. Previously I’ve commented on co-workers whom I share space with. 

& although we have worked on the same floor for more than three years they have never parted their lips to say hello, offer a well wish, greeting or a salutation.  The same is true for a few of the faces I see at the YMCA – Faces I’ve seen no less than three times per week for the past 52 weeks.

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When Did We Start ...

When Did We Start ...

At age five my family moved into the home my parents own today. We had a dog, he had his own house outside. Only time I remember him coming inside was during a snow storm. I grew up in Virginia so I’m not speaking of regular, two hour school delay snow, because even then he was outside in his dog house. This was a storm with frigid temperatures and the only time I remember him coming inside...

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Still Have the Weekend

Still Have the Weekend

This weekend there were three fantastic moments where time seemingly stood still, allowing me to store them into a mental rolodex.

Listen to your heART

The Harvey B. Gant Center opened four new exhibitions over the weekend. I know, but I am unable to communicate why art fills us with emotion, I’ve tried to explain but apparently I’ve said it badly.  

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Phantoms in the Dirt

Phantoms in the Dirt

"Panic dwindled into jitters into detached fascination. It was just a show. The longer I watched the less I felt. Events coupled, cavorted, and vanished, emotion hanging in mid air before my lemur eyes like a thin shred of homeless ectoplasm. It was cool. It was like drowning in syrup."

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Top Five Things I Would Do But …

Top Five Things I Would Do But …

Every month this year has provided a theme, not one that I choose but one that has a hold on everyday life. A theme that plays in all aspirations; love, career, wealth, children, health, education. This month’s theme has been happiness. I’ve shared that I’ve become stagnant with the work that I do and the universal response has been “What is it that you want to do? What will make you happy?”

Those are the right question(s) and I’ve started trying to figure them out.

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Spam (In Real Life)

Spam (In Real Life)

The email (and now domain) for tramuel dot com is managed through Google Apps. The spam filtering in Apps is excellent and it delivers most spam items directly to the spam mailbox where they are held for 30 days and then delete themselves once they age out. As false positives are rare, there is no reason to go into the spam mailbox.


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Life & Music. Purpose

Life & Music. Purpose

🎧 Focus ain’t the same if the picture ain’t got you in it
In every line my
Emotions ain’t the same if it ain’t about you, I don’t get it
Ever since the beginning now
You had that effect on me
All I wanna do is you, oh
I mean that so literally
Don’t nobody go harder than you
All of the angels must be lonely now, without you

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& I Quote

Let Your Life Speak, Listening for the Voice of Vocation

Rosa Parks took her stand with clarity and courage. I took mine by diversion and default. Some journeys are direct, and some are circuitous; some are heroic, and some are fearful and muddled. But every journey, honestly undertaken, stands a chance of taking us toward the place where our deep gladness meets the world’s deep need.
— Parker J. Palmer

Major Key

Major Key

A few weeks ago Mrs. TramueL closed on a commercial real estate loan. 

♫ My wife's Michelle, I brag different. 

'Til You Own Your Own You Can't Be Free

Less a two year layoff, I've been with my employer for 14 years (continuos service) and although I enjoy what I'm currently doing there is a loss of freedom; policy manuals filled with nonsensical rules and regulations. How to dress, talk and move. It seems silly but truly the only policy anyone needs is "Be smart. Be nice. Do what you love. Have fun."

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In the (k)now

In the (k)now

In 2013 I adopted an idea for better thinking. I created a list of 25 tips to follow, at the least to be more mindful throughout the day. Mindful of spaces, all of the spaces; public, social, personal and intimate.

My favorite tip has been quiet reflection, taking at least ten minutes to sit in a corner to speak with the folks in my head. Add outer to the spaces above, the folks in my head are aliens. I moved from a morning routine to one in the evening. Carpe Noctem. It remains a great way for me to decompress. 

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Wednesday Musings and What’s on My Mind Right Now

Wednesday Musings and What’s on My Mind Right Now

I Am participating in a 30 Day Affirmation Challenge and Day 15 stands out. As I’ve listened to others discuss ‘love’ in their relationship circles; friendship, marriage, work, and family. It is true, love can be stronger than power and inspire envy. But, Day 15 …

 I believe those I love, love me.

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