Top Things I’d Write About, But I’m Tired

Top Things I’d Write About, But I’m Tired

On Reflections of Cultural Criticism and Authenticity

I could write about why I muted Kendrick Lamar, Drake, the NFL, and the Super Bowl and what it means to unmute them. Many people are deep in confirmation bias;

The tendency to search for and interpret information in a way that confirms your pre-existing beliefs while dismissing evidence that challenges them.

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Tuesday Musings and What’s On My Mind Right Now

Tuesday Musings and What’s On My Mind Right Now

Death and Loss: The Weight of Remembrance

The two-year remembrance of my mother brings the weight of grief back into sharp focus, but this time it feels layered with the pain of others around me. Witnessing my co-worker and close friend endure their own losses has deepened my reflections on death. Their grief reminds me of the universality of sorrow, yet each person’s experience is so uniquely personal. As I support them, I find my own grief taking on new dimensions, teaching me not just about the fragility of life but also the importance of remembrance as a way to honor both the loss and the lessons left behind by those we loved.

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Life Changes - AS Esq.

Life Changes - AS Esq.

Oh Hey 39, Can We Do a Take 2?

Anger, loneliness, fear, anxiety, deep happiness, burning frustration…none of the adjectives I thought I’d be using to describe my world at 39 but the first ones that popped into my head.

You see at 39, I thought I’d be prepping in a big way for 40! I always viewed 39 as the pre-game for the big 4-0, where you line all up the fabulous things to fete at forty. Husband, kids, house, car, and travel points racked up. I’m supposed to be planning a girls' trip to somewhere luxurious or a big 40th!

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Work All Our Lives

Work All Our Lives

12:00 PM EST appointment with Sheena of AlphaMale Nail Care Services for Men inside of The House of LeMond.


MANicure from the Latin word Manus meaning hand, keep up, but that’s not why we are here.

Shout out to my High School Latin Teacher Shirly Wingo.

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Top Five Things I Would Do But …

Top Five Things I Would Do But …

Every month this year has provided a theme, not one that I choose but one that has a hold on everyday life. A theme that plays in all aspirations; love, career, wealth, children, health, education. This month’s theme has been happiness. I’ve shared that I’ve become stagnant with the work that I do and the universal response has been “What is it that you want to do? What will make you happy?”

Those are the right question(s) and I’ve started trying to figure them out.

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Major Key

Major Key

A few weeks ago Mrs. TramueL closed on a commercial real estate loan. 

♫ My wife's Michelle, I brag different. 

'Til You Own Your Own You Can't Be Free

Less a two year layoff, I've been with my employer for 14 years (continuos service) and although I enjoy what I'm currently doing there is a loss of freedom; policy manuals filled with nonsensical rules and regulations. How to dress, talk and move. It seems silly but truly the only policy anyone needs is "Be smart. Be nice. Do what you love. Have fun."

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Work Ethic

Work Ethic

True story; my life began to change the moment I grew a beard and started taking better care of myself. 

Mute your dissent

Also true, life became much easier when I began to place less value on material things and truly live within my means. At the time of this observation it wasn't a choice, rather something forced upon me. Workforce Reduction, translation = laid off. 

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Thoughts on Retirement first appeared on Retirement Savvy Dot Net 

Vocation is rooted in the Latin word for voice, loosely translated it means a summons or call. The word has been secularized and reduced to meaning job or work.

Work, an inescapable reality. At times we feel that our lives are enhanced by it and at others depleted by it. James Molet, Blogger-in-Chief at Retirement Savvy ask(ed) an important question about the age of retirement. 

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Throwback Thursday

Throwback Thursday

November 2007.

Scene: Business luncheon for social purposes.

I was dining with my direct manager, our portfolio manager and a team of portfolio managers from servicing. Our team managed commercial loans before they were packaged into securitization. Portfolio managers from servicing managed pools of loans after they are securitized. This is relative.

Not so random observation: The restaurant was located in the Gateway Village which has been a problematic location for restaurants. I’m witness to three great concepts unable to maintain.

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Backseat Driver

Running on empty. It is late night and I am restless. Many of the weeks activities playing back in my mind, thinking about the things I accomplished but also the things I did not. I believed staying up until 2:30 in the AM and waking up at 6:30 was what I needed to maintain my life; taking care of the things I needed for myself early so that I had time to take care of the needs of others.


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The Paper Chase

I wrote an English paper some time ago, in it I discussed our social conditioning to go to school, get a job, get married, buy a house, have some kids, live happily ever after and [have our kids repeat.] I focused less on achieving the American Dream and more on getting a job and trading our time for money. The problem, at least I believed was our focus on finding jobs that would presumably provide us with a high income affording us the opportunity to take care of our family. My thoughts were confirmed during a brief conversation with a coworker.


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Discovery Place

Discovery Place, Inc. is a private 501©(3) not-for-profit education organization dedicated to inspiring exploration of the natural and social world through extraordinary exhibits and educational programs that inform, challenge and engage audiences of all ages. Discovery Place, Inc. operates Discovery Place, Charlotte Nature Museum and Discovery Place KIDS.

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A Touchy Feely Moment & A Lesson

M.Dolphus Avatar

M.Dolphus Avatar

The Touchy, Feely Moment

Lil’ Mr.TramueL “ Hey Dad, What you doing?”

Mr.TramueL “Nothing, “ Talking to you, What you doing?”

Lil’ Mr.TramueL “Nothing, Talking to you”

Mr.TramueL “How was school?”

Lil’ Mr.TramueL “Dad! We’re on Spring break!”

Mr.TramueL “I know, I was just messing with you 0_0”

My days run together, don’t judge me

… That conversation would continue for another twenty minutes until something on the t.v. caught his attention or until he became bored with me so let’s end it there. The significance of the conversation comes when I discoverer all of the conveniences, sacrifices and all around concern his mother displayed for the kids this week. It is not significant because I observed it, but because it goes without saying everyday, three-sixty-five. The love she exudes for her children is amazing. Shout out to my mom, your mom, baby mama’s, my sister’s, future mama’s and to all of you women reading this post. There is no substitute for you.

The Lesson

The photo above is a pretty accurate depiction of the ex in looks and gifts. Well the hips are a little smaller in the picture but I digress. She is a classically trained lyric soprano but owns and operates her own business working with disadvantage youth.

The last sentence is relative to the conversations, discussions, textersations, blog post, blog comments & thoughts I’ve had this week concerning purpose, vocation & listening for the voice that calls you.

He Said, She Said … Vision

“Don’t let YOUR vision stand in the way of GOD’S dream”
