
Starting Weight: 322

Current Weight: 238

Target Weight: 225

One of my fitness applications asks “What is your motivation?” Outside of the obvious; looking good naked, health and vitality, I would say quality of life.

One of my goals for two thousand fourteen (Better Thinking) has been getting everyone onboard with living healthier. Eating went from zero to a hundred real quick, getting everyone to move (physically) has been less than. Excuses hold others back; time and energy man, time and energy.

I have full-time, part-time and side-time hustles, however I've dedicated myself to making time to Run. Lift. Crunch. everyday. Don't get bogged down in work, school and responsibilities. I have more energy, more focus and better quality of life because of not in-spite of 

“When we do more, we can do more.”


Words With Friends

& so it has been written, said, heads have been shaken top-to-bottom, front-to-back and side-to-side about my newly found participation in the online game words with friends [apparently I’m late to the party]. I’ve been both uninspired and unmotivated by my own monotony to write lately, however real life words with friends always seem to provide inspiration and motivation for everything. Every.Thing.

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According to the Official Figures, 43% of All Statistics are Totally Worthless

The labor department reported 85,000 jobs were lost due to the economy in December. I also continue to see record high unemployment rates across the nation, the carve out of unemployed Negro males {'Negro' now a choice on census forms} is higher than any other demographic … Then I realized that I’m a statistic! I’ve heard elected officials and analyst refer to an acceptable level of unemployment. WTF? Really? An "acceptable" level of unemployment means that the government economist to whom it is acceptable still has a job.

May 2010 will make two years for me without a comparable full-time job. I’m employed in a part-time capacity by the very company that laid me off or rather I was rehired, yep after seven years I was treated just like anyone else, background check and the whole nine.


While I’ve done a fair job at best of maintaining … Did I ever tell ya’ll how much I like using ellipsis? It is time to get back to the business of handling business. I know you’ve either heard or seen this from me “there is no such thing as job security anymore and there are far better ways to make a living than selling yourself into indentured servitude.” But damn! The entrepreneurial spirit isn’t taking off like I thought it would. A brotha’ got big dreams, BIG dreams and it doesn’t involve being filthy rich a weakness for money does not imply power but rather doing something that I enjoy, providing a service that people want and need, strengthening the community, now add the fact that I would be able to support myself … BIG bucks no whammies! A definite plus.

To everyone finding their way in this madness remember there is nothing permanent except change.

Do As I Say Not As I Do

Tend to what needs fixing … don’t leave it all up to fate. Make decisions and act on them decisively.

Dig in your heels. Don’t depend on your talent or take success for granted, hard work is always needed.