A Touchy Feely Moment & A Lesson

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The Touchy, Feely Moment

Lil’ Mr.TramueL “ Hey Dad, What you doing?”

Mr.TramueL “Nothing, “ Talking to you, What you doing?”

Lil’ Mr.TramueL “Nothing, Talking to you”

Mr.TramueL “How was school?”

Lil’ Mr.TramueL “Dad! We’re on Spring break!”

Mr.TramueL “I know, I was just messing with you 0_0”

My days run together, don’t judge me

… That conversation would continue for another twenty minutes until something on the t.v. caught his attention or until he became bored with me so let’s end it there. The significance of the conversation comes when I discoverer all of the conveniences, sacrifices and all around concern his mother displayed for the kids this week. It is not significant because I observed it, but because it goes without saying everyday, three-sixty-five. The love she exudes for her children is amazing. Shout out to my mom, your mom, baby mama’s, my sister’s, future mama’s and to all of you women reading this post. There is no substitute for you.

The Lesson

The photo above is a pretty accurate depiction of the ex in looks and gifts. Well the hips are a little smaller in the picture but I digress. She is a classically trained lyric soprano but owns and operates her own business working with disadvantage youth.

The last sentence is relative to the conversations, discussions, textersations, blog post, blog comments & thoughts I’ve had this week concerning purpose, vocation & listening for the voice that calls you.

He Said, She Said … Vision

“Don’t let YOUR vision stand in the way of GOD’S dream”


Nurturing {Self}

The Week of Influences

Currently Reading

The Blueprint "A Plan for Living Above Life's Storms" - Kirk Franklin

On Sociology and the Black Community - W.E.B. Du Bois

Raising Fences "A Black Man's Love Story" - Michael Datcher

A thought was born from my reading, emails, phone conversations, random observations about nothing , yet everything and then ... great friend(s) ask great question(s).

"Ever wish you could (re)wind time and do something a little different?"

We've all been asked the question, initially your right brain kicks in with something about not being caught with Kim under the stairs with your penis in her hand or reliving dreams of being the President of the World. The whole World Craig. I've had time to reflect and I would like to answer now " September" « That's my new name for you.

I wouldn't change any specific event, everything I've experienced has turned me into the person I am. I would change the way I p(re)acted and (re)acted to those events.

Honest about what I really want

I would not have distorted the truth about what I really want. I would have weighted more heavily the cost and benefit of said honesty.


I would have been more aware of sacrificing my personal interest, things that I love for the supposed benefit of others.

Resentment is born from deprivation

Depriving myself of those personal interest, I subconsciously blamed others for my non-happiness, developing feelings of resentment towards anyone who participated in my non-happiness. I would change not making others responsible for my happiness.

Neglecting others. Be cognizant of it

I have someone that I am completely honest with about everything. Everything. I have no doubt that they would do anything in the world for me. The world. Yep, they said something the other day that resonated with me and caused a shift in the TramueLverse. Minus the curse words, the thrown knife, the scratch on the hood of my car & the death threat they said "I'm sick of you talking to me like this ..." This wasn't a love interest or someone with whom I wanted to lay horizontal with. You really don't need any more detail for me to make my point, which is ... I would change the way I've treated those who have loved me unconditionally. Science.

Harm none,

Mr. "Science is true, don't be misled by facts" TramueL

Posted with WordPress for BlackBerry.

Push Me, Pull You

Push Me, Pull You
Push Me, Pull You

Beware of running away from problems.

After a textersation {I just coined this phrase … conversation through texting} with a good friend I’ve realized that I believe I know what other people want, but don’t really know what I need.  My unspoken admiration for the folk that keep me grounded, sane & motivated is the reason for this post. They are a part of my life; some new, some old, some share my blood, some don’t, all-in-all  they all are a part of my family, immediate and extended.

I shine when I serve others in some way and  what I get back in return is far more beneficial to me than any 1ne of them can imagine. They bring me closer to capital {G}od’izzle, by desiring a closer relationship with HIM. They make me want to know more, thus inspiring me to read more & research more. They have taught me to be more honest. {Ya’ll know T!his is a struggle cause I enjoy story-telling and sometimes enjoy bending the truth} They inspire me to be a better father, brother, son & man. Last but not least, they’ve taught me to straighten out confusion or nothing will get done. I have some huge  stones chasing me that I’ve now begun to face and stop running from.

I take in so much from my environment; T!his is one of the reasons why I tend to be indecisive, swinging between irrational and rational thoughts and feelings. It's pretty much something that takes place "upstairs" in my mind, although others are sure to see the struggle from time to time.  I also have a tendency to misrepresent myself with what I say from time to time, but Mr.TramueL is a charming, if a little kooky, friend, father, brother, son & man.

Continue to Push Me & I’ll continue to Pull You.

In Gratitude,