Don’t Call, Come Get Me

Midnight_phone_booth Don’t call, come get me …

Short Stories

Transforming, experiencing others along the way …

Friendship is rooted in Lred_heartve. The Latin word for love is amor. The word for friend is amicus. The word for friendship is amicitia.

Self-Analysis. I recognize a lot of compulsive desires as a problem for me, these are symptoms however. The root of the problem is negative self-talk and feeling deprived. Brian often talks me into believing that I’m somehow deprived and missing out on something important. It’s very easy to throw out this emotional attachment once I make it conscious and play it forward.

Brian & Mr.TramueL need a practical modus vivendi.

Great friends exist for each other, they are demonstrative in their concern and care. We all need spiritual friendships that produce truth, fun, inspiration and most important Action.

My problems as lessons give me the experience to be that friend most times, providing the medicine of life. Recently I’ve been on the receiving end … friend(s) have listened, encouraged, prayed, acted and believed. Deep bows.

I took some credit in that last paragraph with references to me, myself & I but there is no “I” in GOD, I know it’s HIM that allows me to counsel from HIS word. Word.

“Call me when you need me … I’ll be right here”

Love & Light,

Mr. Brian “and ‘nem” TramueL

@LeonTimbo Live Soul Session Columbus, OH

Push Me, Pull You

Push Me, Pull You
Push Me, Pull You

Beware of running away from problems.

After a textersation {I just coined this phrase … conversation through texting} with a good friend I’ve realized that I believe I know what other people want, but don’t really know what I need.  My unspoken admiration for the folk that keep me grounded, sane & motivated is the reason for this post. They are a part of my life; some new, some old, some share my blood, some don’t, all-in-all  they all are a part of my family, immediate and extended.

I shine when I serve others in some way and  what I get back in return is far more beneficial to me than any 1ne of them can imagine. They bring me closer to capital {G}od’izzle, by desiring a closer relationship with HIM. They make me want to know more, thus inspiring me to read more & research more. They have taught me to be more honest. {Ya’ll know T!his is a struggle cause I enjoy story-telling and sometimes enjoy bending the truth} They inspire me to be a better father, brother, son & man. Last but not least, they’ve taught me to straighten out confusion or nothing will get done. I have some huge  stones chasing me that I’ve now begun to face and stop running from.

I take in so much from my environment; T!his is one of the reasons why I tend to be indecisive, swinging between irrational and rational thoughts and feelings. It's pretty much something that takes place "upstairs" in my mind, although others are sure to see the struggle from time to time.  I also have a tendency to misrepresent myself with what I say from time to time, but Mr.TramueL is a charming, if a little kooky, friend, father, brother, son & man.

Continue to Push Me & I’ll continue to Pull You.

In Gratitude,