In To Me See


When I moved to Atlanta I became quickly enamored with the amount of melanin in the metro area. One of my favorite things to do involved people watching in Underground. One day while taking in the sights, sounds and smells a young woman approached me from the stairs of the Dollar Store. She stopped and chatted’ me up. Most of you know from previous post that I have no idea when a woman is hitting on me.

She gassed me from the start...

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Confrontational Honesty

When Michelle & I started dating we visited Charleston, SC. While amazed at the culture, food and charm of the city I would be remiss if I did not state how sensitive to my surroundings I had become; the vendors on the market, the owners of the shops and restaurants and especially while on a tour of a plantation. Even more reticent when faced with the tour being rushed so they could set up for an onsite wedding that evening.

In retrospect I didn’t know how to effectively communicate my feelings so I remained silent. 

Not speaking about the facets of racism only silences those who endure it. It does not erase the actions of those who engage in it or will engage in it in a number of ways; from individual to individual, legislatively, culturally (from law enforcement, banks, schools etc.) to of course the media.

Find your voice. 

I Am

Detached Observer

Detached Observer

At times I Am an avid listener; I have family, friends and co-workers who call me to complain, often daily, but they are not seeking advice. (Even when they are fortunate enough to have a problem with a clear solution, they will ignore it and continue to complain.) At those times, I realize that they only seek to vent,. they are not seeking a solution nor would they implement one if it presented itself. This is what it sounds like when doves cry. It also sharpens my listening skills as I become a detached observer, allowing them the space to talk it out.

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One Hundred Words. Love.

One Hundred Words. Love.

You never lost faith in me.
At my lowest you saw potential and fought for me to win. We remained friends in spite of my thorns and through my ongoing transformation. We have failed each other and we experienced limitations in our love. 

My love was limited by my inability to set aside self-interest; however, your love didn’t demand perfection. This alone makes it very easy to love, especially one that loves you.

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Monday Night Sensory Inputs

Monday Night Sensory Inputs

Cauliflower Tacos w/ Strawberry Mango Salsa, I taste them.

Peony, apricot, orange and bergamot, I smell her. 

House is still; no music, no tv, no kids laughing (or complaining), I hear the silence.

Eyes closed, I see The Future; the physical environment, who will be there, the sights and sounds. I see you. 

Feels like weight has been lifted; my arms, legs, back, chest, stomach... You feel me?

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Work Ethic

Work Ethic

True story; my life began to change the moment I grew a beard and started taking better care of myself. 

Mute your dissent

Also true, life became much easier when I began to place less value on material things and truly live within my means. At the time of this observation it wasn't a choice, rather something forced upon me. Workforce Reduction, translation = laid off. 

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Ego Formation

Ego Formation

According to Freud, our self-concept (our sense of ourselves, including our confidence, our pride, and our sense of attractiveness to others) stems from three sources:

  • The residue of our original primary narcissism, which never fully disappears.
  • Our fulfillment of the imagined expectations of our ideal ego [Example] Our sense of being virtuous.
  • Finally, the satisfaction we get when our love is returned to us.

Mr. TramueL's corollary; people need love, to be seen, heard, and understood.

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Good Tasting Medicine

Good Tasting Medicine

Caught up in a reverie.  One Summer in D.C., while playing in an abandonded pickup truck, I cut my left knee on an old, rusted hubcap. I'm horrible with time/age, I imagine I was five or six. I recall not being able to sleep at night. In part due to the pain but mostly by not being able to move/shift my body into a comfortable position.

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Home Away From Our Home

Home Away From Our Home

This past weekend I traveled from Charlotte to Roanoke, the city that raised me. My sister, her husband, their girls and Cooper drove from Georgia, scooped me up and we made the journey up through the mountains to my Aunt Jean's 75th (surprise) birthday party. It is truly an honor to God as she is (and has been) the matriarch of the family since my grandmother's passing. To put that into perspective, I was five.

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Belief & Logic

Belief & Logic

We have been taught to believe many things. Questioning those learned behaviors can be great for logical calisthenics. 


Im here writing about nothing, journaling my thoughts at four-thirty in the AM for no apparent reason other than laughing to keep from crying at the biggest opportunity in my relationship with The Future...

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Starting Weight: 322

Current Weight: 238

Target Weight: 225

One of my fitness applications asks “What is your motivation?” Outside of the obvious; looking good naked, health and vitality, I would say quality of life.

One of my goals for two thousand fourteen (Better Thinking) has been getting everyone onboard with living healthier. Eating went from zero to a hundred real quick, getting everyone to move (physically) has been less than. Excuses hold others back; time and energy man, time and energy.

I have full-time, part-time and side-time hustles, however I've dedicated myself to making time to Run. Lift. Crunch. everyday. Don't get bogged down in work, school and responsibilities. I have more energy, more focus and better quality of life because of not in-spite of 

“When we do more, we can do more.”


Five Things I Find Attractive in a Woman Now That I Am 40

Five Things I Find Attractive in a Woman Now That I Am 40

Man listen, I consider myself pretty smart & knowledgeable about a few things so while I’m open to others point of view I secretly feel that I Am always right, you know at least 99.9% of the time. What I’ve found is that’s not exactly accurate more like 99.94% and I have been blessed with some highly intelligent women that are skilled at not only not bruising my ego but also changing my point of view & I have a pretty BIG ego.

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