Four Letter Words Beginning With L ...

The Week of Loss, Life, Lust & Love

Of Loss

I’m not an empath but this week has proven that we all are on some level, for most of us it is so low key that we aren’t aware of anyone else's feelings but our own. I’ve had friends lose their mother, a very special friend who’s mother had a heart attack and a close friend whose dearest friend suffered a stroke. Although I did not know any of them personally, in the moment you first hear, the initial shock leaves you stunned, numb to the huge surge of feelings. I never know how to respond, the most common phrases are void of sincerity to me. So here are my words. Sorrow serves as a reminder of the brevity of life.

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Attachment VS Detachment

Of Attachment

A feeling that binds one to a person, thing, cause, ideal, or the like; devotion; regard.


Of Detachment

Willingness to accept that you cannot change or control a person, place or thing.

Ability to maintain an emotional bond of love, concern and caring without the negative results of rescuing, enabling, fixing or controlling.


Attachment VS detachment, find balance.

I Am.

Forever Young, [Quotes] Unhealthy Relationships & Immaturity

Of Unhealthy Relationships

Unhealthy relationships are driven by the soul. Issues that have not been resolved. They will abort your destiny. Healthy relationships are led by the Spirit of God and will advance you.
— T. Brown

Of Immaturity

Immaturity is an enemy that will cause you to abort the seasons and timing of God. Following your soul will rob you of greatness. Healthy relationships prepare you for your next dimension.
— T. Brown

Forever Young, H. Rhine

Forever Young, H. Rhine

A Conversation With My Younger Self.

I had a talk with my younger self, but it didn't go the way you think it might. I didn't give her words of wisdom about not wasting time, seizing opportunities or living without fear. I didn't tell her NOT to pursue things with that troubled light skin boy or that mysterious and talented guy is really just a loser with a bushel of untapped potential he will never turn into anything. No. We didn't talk about any of that. 

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Forever Young, B. TramueL

Forever Young, B. TramueL

Life and Music 

Soundtrack of My Youth

I’ve expressed my love for music & ya’ll know I’m a bit kooky. I often relate things happening in my life to the music I am listening to. While it is not specific to the songs lyrics or meaning; a phrase, a verse or the hook may spark a thought.

Life set to a few memorable songs from my youth... 

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Forever Young, J. Wilson Ferguson

Forever Young, J. Wilson Ferguson

Being Present

My son, a rambunctious and zealous 4 year old, has no concept of future, past or present.  What matters to him is what matters to him right now.  For a time, my gift to him is the opportunity to only be concerned with his immediate present and not much else.  Soon, life will begin to challenge his innocence and hurl him into the situations that will mold him into whatever he desires to be whether it’s President of the United States, an NBA player or a window washer.  Through it all, he will gain preparation, humility and awareness about what is to become his future.

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Forever Young, M. Dolphus

Forever Young, M. Dolphus

Growing Up in The Valley!

The memories I have of growing up in Hidden Valley are fond memories that I will always cherish. Playing outside till the street lights came on and the bats came out. Hearing mothers calling their young-ens "come inside wash up and eat". Sometimes their would be as many as 15 kids outside, on a summer night, in the Valley.  Ahh, the innocence of it all, everyone knew each other and everybody looked out for one another.

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Forever Young, D. Christopher (2nd)

Forever Young, D. Christopher (2nd)

To be young and carefree, again. 

The majority of adults would probably give just about anything in the world to return to their youth. This, of course, is hardly possible as one cannot turn back the hands of time. It is also a sentiment I find just as impossible to convey to young adolescence. For whatever reasons, children nowadays are eager to become adults. 

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Forever Young, E. Fuller

Forever Young, E. Fuller

The Rupture

The cocoon had been somewhat comfortable, but it was confining. Worst of all, I could see outside of it.

I had only consumed the mental and spiritual nectar, that my parents wanted me to eat. I hungered for a broader menu intellectually, and for a more diverse range of acceptable companions, besides the ones who were stuck in cocoons like myself.

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Forever Young, B. Wilkes

Forever Young, B. Wilkes

I often look back over my life, my youth and think about what I "coulda, woulda, shoulda."  Not that the opportunities weren't afforded to me, I just didn't take hold of them… I let go. 

As the saying goes, "If I knew then what I know now..."  

And if I could turn back time, I would tell my younger self, don't just live in the moment, look beyond the right now.  I should have taken time to plan wonderful things for the future.

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Forever Young, J. Devereaux

Forever Young, J. Devereaux

My fondest memories are growing up on a street called Hull.  It was the first time my life that I felt I had stability.  We lived in a two-bedroom, one-bathroom home with a semi-furnished basement.  My Grandmother, who lived with us, had the main bedroom; I was fortunate to have my own bedroom, and my mother lived in the basement.

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Forever Young, EarthAngel

Forever Young, EarthAngel

My Youth Was Spent At Her Feet

I remember as a young girl, constantly being by my grandmother's side.  Actually most of my elders but especially my grandmother.  I'm her first grandchild, born to an unwed teenage mother but loved dearly by her and my grandfather from the very start. I'm from Louisiana so family and community is everything!

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Forever Young, D. Christopher

Forever Young, D. Christopher

Remember The Time: Teenage Love

Tracy, pictured below, is one of the most hardworking, educated, career-orientated, smart and intelligent people I've known in life. She was also my teenage love. Raised in the same neighborhood, we attended high school and one year of college together (I left as a sophomore and enlisted in the military). Together we share a child, my oldest daughter Christina. If anything like her mom she's headed for a good quality of life. The same can be said if she follows in my footsteps, but only after learning the hard way. Some teenagers prefer the hard way, anyhow. 

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Forever Young, C. Black

Forever Young, C. Black

Ahhh Youth…


I sat down thinking that this would be a quick and easy topic to drop a few lines for. As I sat brainstorming on how to tackle this theme I thought back to my adolescence. Youth for me was filled with a distinct feeling of not knowing who I was and where exactly I fit in. I was constantly trying to find that comfortable persona that would allow me to freely fit in to the social scene that I wanted to be a part of. Looking back, I remember being impressed by my friends and classmates that seemed to have found their lane. I wished at the time that I could have the confidence in myself that they seemed to have.

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♫ Pretty Bird

Pretty Bird (Freestyle) [feat. Common]
Jhené Aiko

… Pretty bird, pretty bird, pretty bird, pretty bird
Sounds so pretty when you cry
Pretty bird, pretty bird, pretty bird, pretty bird
You're so pretty, but why I never see you #fly?

Pretty bird, pretty bird, pretty bird, pretty bird
Please don't die, please don't die
Pretty bird, pretty bird, I know your hurtin'
Well so am I, so am I
Pretty bird, pretty bird, pretty bird, pretty bird
Please don't cry, you can #fly ...

Forever Young, C. Franklin

Forever Young, C. Franklin

FIve Grown Up LessonsThat Developed From My Childhood Memories of Batman


Growing up, one of my most enduring memories is of watching Batman in all of his incarnations from the goofy 1960’s version all the way to the darker version in the 1990’s. As a child, I looked up to this character because he seemed more real than other superheroes. He didn’t come from outer space, or have super speed. He was just a regular guy who wanted to do something heroic.

To a skinny kid growing up in the 80’s and 90’s, that was beyond belief!

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