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( ( ( ( E N E R G Y ) ) ) )

Wednesday Evening Sensory Inputs

 Her smile might have hidden a fractured state, but the joy was feral.

Love by the gallon poured down her perfect touch.

Fresh flowers, a hint of caramel-- lingering in the air she leaves.

I call her name, caught up in how sweet it sounds, it quickly turns to semantic satiation where nothing has meaning anymore.

Her kiss is flavorful.

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Forever Young, E. Fuller

Forever Young, E. Fuller

The Rupture

The cocoon had been somewhat comfortable, but it was confining. Worst of all, I could see outside of it.

I had only consumed the mental and spiritual nectar, that my parents wanted me to eat. I hungered for a broader menu intellectually, and for a more diverse range of acceptable companions, besides the ones who were stuck in cocoons like myself.

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He Said, She Said ... Call Me A Liar


“accept who you really are, your esteem shouldn’t be a mystiquerepeating the same tired letdowns to whom you care not reach

returning it in a spirit of mutual honesty not an option but a must”

“call me a liar for generously spreading the basis of trust”

The CG Chronicles – @MelzieC

Read more: Call Me A Liar



Ho' Is Short For Honey

A poem by Chrissy Davis ... You Say Potatoe, I Say Potato

You see a whore

I see a woman

Someone's daughter, lost and broken

Not knowing how to find her way home

~ In The Face of Indigo

Harlem Sweeties

Have you dug the spill   

Of Sugar Hill?

Cast your gims

On this sepia thrill:   

Brown sugar lassie,   

Caramel treat,   

Honey-gold baby   

Sweet enough to eat.   

Peach-skinned girlie,   

Coffee and cream,   

Chocolate darling   

Out of a dream.   

Walnut tinted

Or cocoa brown,   


Pride of the town.   

Rich cream-colored   

To plum-tinted black,   

Feminine sweetness   

In Harlem’s no lack.   

Glow of the quince   

To blush of the rose.   

Persimmon bronze   

To cinnamon toes.   

Blackberry cordial,   

Virginia Dare wine—

All those sweet colors   

Flavor Harlem of mine!   

Walnut or cocoa,   

Let me repeat:

Caramel, brown sugar,   

A chocolate treat.   

Molasses taffy,

Coffee and cream,   

Licorice, clove, cinnamon   

To a honey-brown dream.   

Ginger, wine-gold,   

Persimmon, blackberry,

All through the spectrum

Harlem girls vary—

So if you want to know beauty’s   

Rainbow-sweet thrill,

Stroll down luscious,



 Sugar Hill.


Langston Hughes

Raven's Brew

Raven's Brew Raven's Brew by Christina P. Davis

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

My copy arrived this morning. I skimmed through the contents to get a feel for the book. The titles are creative and grabbed my attention, the actual poem(s) held it. I began reading on the ride to work (Mass Transit - Never read & drive),while at lunch, break and on the ride home. I was unable to stop reading, I read each once, twice and thrice. First to gain an understanding of the writers intentions, second to gain understanding of my own interpretation and lastly to relate that understanding to my personal experiences. I love poetry and appreciate the way writers effectively communicate by colliding words through thought onto paper. This is a book review, so Raven's Brew inspires creative thought through a series serendipitous occurrences ...

View all my reviews

Truth & Honesty Imbued With Poetry

puddle.preview_0 “Dirty water pooled beside the faded blooms of summer. I wet my toes. I knew better but I wet my feet. I knew better but I wet my legs. I knelt and wet my thighs. Dirty water warmed my skin against the cooling wind. I touched my cheeks. I knew better but I touched my lips. I knew better but I touched my eyelids. I touched my ears. Dirty water dried to muddy stains among the silk and cotton. I sat and prayed for rain.”


I believe the author and I are on some Virgo-Libra Cusp type tip, because we always seem to be in tune with our thoughts.

“I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.”

I know what inspired this writing and we discussed that off line, but I was compelled to post it because it shared a common theme with a few of my latest post; self-nurturing, truth and honesty.

When its difficult for us to feel harmonious & peaceful, it’s usually a battle in our head. A battle between two negative brothers or sisters … aggression and passivity {My money is on them being sisters} These two generally play bad cop, good cop. Aggression comes in the form of a reprimand, imputing blame or guilt and harassment. We allow her unwarranted & irrational thinking because her sister passivity is a smooth talker and plays the role of good cop, she brings self-doubt, separation from self and the belief that we will not completely evolve.

Most of us figure it out, realizing it's really bad acting and we discover our true self, which is the realization of our goodness and our value. That self awareness is what allows us to live in harmony & to be at peace with our decisions and all of life.

Live Well,

Mr. "God, if I can’t have what I want, let me want what I have" TramueL