Ego Formation

According to Freud, our self-concept (our sense of ourselves, including our confidence, our pride, and our sense of attractiveness to others) stems from three sources:

  • The residue of our original primary narcissism, which never fully disappears.
  • Our fulfillment of the imagined expectations of our ideal ego [Example] Our sense of being virtuous.
  • Finally, the satisfaction we get when our love is returned to us.

Mr. TramueL's corollary; people need love, to be seen, heard, and understood.


Obey. Love. Serve. Excel. Plan. Invest. 

Of Obeying

February 2015 I'll probably realize a loss of one hundred pounds or very close to it. No resolution, just the resolve to obey the five pillars of successful weight loss/ training. 

They'll try to break you, just be good to your heart. 

Of Loving 

2014 was great, we were relaxed in love and April 2015 will be greater than, The Future becomes Mrs. TramueL. 

Funny how we define love by everything it's not. [Read 1 Corinthians 13] This chapter of this book of the Bible describes love in a genuine eloquence that both a believer and non-believer can appreciate for the literary merit alone.

Of Serving 

This year I was asked to sit on the board of the Jamaica Hope Foundation, a 501(c)(3) organization with the purpose of "Improving The Lives of Jamaican Families." What a stroke to my ego, I believe we all shine when we serve others in some way. 

Don't just give up service to freedom, live it. 

Of Excelling

I wrote a foreword, edited a book and improved my writing. The most appealing and compelling lives I've encountered are those who seem content and happy with their life. Subsequently, the theme of both books "Physically and Fiscally Fit" is what drove me last year and inspired me to change my creed; Obey. Love. Serve. Excel. to include the next two; Plan. Invest. 

Of Planning

My "Better Thinking" goals at the beginning of 2014 were to increase income and increase savings, you can't do either without a plan. We developed a spending plan [phrase coined by SavvyJames] and have never looked back. 

Oh, & this wedding bruh'.

Of Investing 

Double consciousness; time and money. 

Time. Three days into the year and I've had good friends lose loved ones. Invest in spending time with family and friends. Tomorrow is not promised. 

Money. 2014 was trying financially [The Future closed one business and started another] through it all we made sure to pay ourselves first. I've felt the ground before, so I'm better prepared for a fall. Added mobile investing apps to the arsenal; Betterment, Robinhood, Acorns

In no specific order; outside of my family my interactions with Cynthia, Haley, Tamara, Reginald, Jair, Charles, Edward and James have directly and indirectly influenced my life in 2014; encouraged growth as a man, father, brother, son... human. 

This ain't ego, its just me talking. 

Happy New Year.

I Remain, 

Brian TramueL