A Young Dog Taught Me Old Tricks

A Young Dog Taught Me Old Tricks

Dog people bear witness to the incredible focus of their four-legged friends. While we prepare food or eat a meal their heads never shift, eyes locked, concentrating on every hand movement or every bite. While I steal time everyday to reflect, their mental experience encourages me to meditate. The absence of intention, without distractions has to be beneficial to both mental and physical health. 

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★ Stag & Doe

On the eve of their wedding, Chris and Camille put their relationship to the test at a joint bachelor/bachelorette party.

Winner, 2010 HBO Short Film Award, American Black Film Festival.

Producer/Writer: Justin K. Staley

A 2-day shoot, 6 crew members, 4-actors, borrowed equipment, in the director’s basement in Jamaica, Queens.  It goes to show that making a good film isn’t necessarily about how many bells and whistles you can throw into the cost of the shoot, but really about how you can combine the elements you have to make a good story.

The Post About Nothing

The Post About Nothing

At Work

Doesn't matter what time someone comes in; 7:30 AM or 10:30 AM the conversation is always about lunch. “What’s for lunch?” “What are we eating today?” This leads to discussions about food; Meatloaf Monday, Taco Tuesday … this leads to someone saying an unfamiliar term like “pop” we call it soda 'round these parts … this leads to me laughing so hard as we discuss the proper pronunciation of Crayon

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Three Hundred Twenty Two

Three Hundred Twenty Two


Less than one year ago I tipped the scale well above the title of this post. It is inspiring watching my body change. I Am 15 lbs shy of my (personal) target of two hundred twenty five. 

Pragmatic discussions with family, friends and co-workers provided the thought to write this post. While weight was not one of our conversation topics it did share a common denominator. 

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Work, Slight.

I was introverted, not shy in junior and senior high school. I had a popular older sister [by three years] and it afforded me a lot of favor with the upper classmen.  I recently re-signed up on “the book”, please note I did it for the 7 extra spaces on the Target Cartwheel app. I also loved the Paper app but it was useless without an active account. Having not used the book in year(s) I thought all was lost, but living souls still there sharing and shining.

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Wednesday Night Mindmovie

Future Pacing 

A process of mental rehearsal in preparation for some challenging experience; it involves creating a mind movie (that is, visual, kinesthetic, and auditory fantasy) and making the imaginary experience conform to your plan. This creates the sense of having already been through the experience when it occurs and reinforces your confidence in the outcome. 

Tonight, I see myself in The Future. 


I Am 

What Happens When Someone Stops “Following” You In Real Life?

“I think back of the few people that were allowed to interface with Brian ( his choice ) … ”

That’s my mother on Mr.TramueL … Did my mama use my government name? It seems even as an adolescent I was guarded with who I allowed into my personal space. I have a very small circle of folk whom I consider friends, although somewhat undemonstrative I am generally loyal and responsible to those I care about.

What happens when they stop e-mailing, texting, calling or  simply stop communicating? If you’re using Twitter, Facebook or any other social-media site when you lose a follower it’s no problem ‘cause they can always be replaced. In real life there are no macros, widgets or tools that email you when someone stops following you, what was said or perhaps done at that particular point in time. If something in my character past or present causes you to stop “following” me I offer you this; judgments can be as unjust as the actions or personal view they condemn.

Don’t worry kids Mr.TramueL is still committed to disarming his armor. I’ll continue to look to the sky and deepen my relationships with my current “followers.” I feel sorry for  lil’ Mr.TramueL  though he is now my official & permanent hang-out partner.

Drops Mic. Pours out a little liquor on stage (for those we lost along the way.) Walks off. Lights match. Throws lit match on poured out liquor. Stage goes up in flames.

Magic Always,

A Gift and An Opportunity

A Gift and An Opportunity

Last week I told Brian he was selfish for not thinking of others / only thinking of himself.

This week he won a $30 Target gift-card and bought himself t-shirts [prep for ETES Fourth-Grade Field Trip] and a watch for me, the gift.

While that was not my intent, I kept the gift [& gave him back the $ he spent on the watch] and used this situation as a teaching moment, the opportunity.

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