5 Ways Sugar is Like Sex

5 Ways Sugar is Like Sex


They both show up when you least expect it. I have a young child at home so I try to be really careful about what we watch on television. Youtube has been my prefered source for watching videos because I can have better control over what he sees. Or so I thought. One evening, I entered asearch for one of our favorites,“Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear.” Several really cute and appropriate versions popped up. As my son and I were scrolling for THE ONE, there, mixed in for no apparent reason, were videos of women holding teddy bears, dressed in teddies, or AS teddies, and clearly not what a child should see.

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Style and Substance

Style and Substance

2015 Year End Reflection

Improve relationships, healthy living, write more, read more (less television), increase income, increase savings, find ways to stay in love, practice humility (intellectually, socially and emotionally), get organized (in general, but also finances, insurance & other important records), smile & laugh more, grow spiritually and meditate.

My “better thinking” goals are just aspects, some of the parts that make up the whole of 2015. Growth and life’s lessons are (were) a consistent theme.

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Life & Music. And See That's The Thing

Life & Music. And See That's The Thing

I’ve expressed my love for music & ya’ll know I’m a bit kooky. I often relate things happening in my life to the music I am listening to. While it is not specific to the song’s lyrics or meaning; a phrase, a verse or the hook may spark a thought.

Life set to And See That’s The Thing, Deja Trimble (DeJ Loaf)

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♫ Titans

Titans (Interlude)
Dawn Richard

We were titans
Eternally made
We were lovers
Born against the grain

Why would you wanna die
If you can live with me
But I can't make you stay

We were titans (x4)

I cannot make you stay
I cannot even if you asked
I cannot make you stay

No Country For Old Men

How awesome is this narcissism; sitting on the couch with my iPhone, iPad Air and MacBook Pro everything in sync. Michelle, who is sitting on the couch with me, seemingly annoyed with the simultaneous notifications. & then my Apple life flashed in front of me, my photos are not syncing to my iPhone...

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The first chilly morning of the Autumn season makes me reflect on all those summer days cruising (on foot) through the park to see who was playing ball. Remember the old folks used a term… “courting”? That term came from the days when one would sit in the courtyard of a southern home with an intended “sweetie”. Well, I guess the basketball court was a version of that.

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Umkhungo (The Gift)

Umkhungo (The Gift)

"Set in the slums of Hillbrow, an overpopulated urban area of inner city Johannesburg, Umkhungo tells the story of Themba, a young boy shrouded since birth by paranormal events; most say haunted by the ancestors. When his mother is murdered, and his father dies in mysterious and unexplained circumstances; Themba is rescued by a disillusioned street thug, Mthunzi."

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Vacation and the Art of Presence

My family and I squeezed in another vacation a few weeks ago; a mini reunion in Alabama. I have a cousin who is retired military and he was able to secure cabins for us at an incredible discount. Keyword; Cabins, as you might imagine we were surrounded by the outdoors but this is perfect for me. I Am an early riser and on the second morning after our arrival I sat outside on the cabin’s front stoop; my e-reader opened to Between the World and Me, but I have no desire to read. There was peace and silence.

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Non Guilty Pleasures

Non Guilty Pleasures

My kids recently tested my gangsta’, a package with my name on it arrived at the house. I imagine they waited all day to see what was inside; with all eyes on me they watched in wondrous amazement as I opened it. The look on their face was priceless once they realized it contained socks. They said: “You’ve spent a lot of money on socks.” I said: Yo’ mama. No, I really said “Also on food, clothing, shelter, summer camp, North Carolina Dance Theatre, basketball camp …”

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