Life Changes - Reginald

Life Changes - Reginald

Most of my friends and colleagues have gotten married, had children, and their children are starting families while I have only been married once no children, and living a single life. The expectations of life not just socially but in most of our minds are to have a sustaining career, a loving family, and look forward to an empty nest where grandchildren come and bring life to a quiet living space. We are expected to be living comfortably and swearing at the mailman or bank if the retirement check is late.

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A Tale of Two Tips

A Tale of Two Tips

We arrived late in the evening, only after asking what time they closed did we realize we had 30 minutes to eat, drink and by merry. We were greeted with enthusiasm and energy as if the place just opened. After being seated the server did not rush, took his time explaining the specials for the night, however he did inform us that the kitchen would be closing soon, still we sampled beer and took our time before ordering. The food came out perfect; the serviced remained consistent throughout the night.

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