A Love of Beauty

I don’t recall the first time we met, our history goes back as far as my memory serves. We grew up in the same neighborhood, I’ve known her all of my life. I credit her for my progression in school, she has helped me grow spiritually, as well as physically. Always there to provide assistance, providing me with enough information to make an informed decision to seek and find my own way. I do recall when we first became intimate. I love everything about this woman, her smell, the way she feels in my hand, her skin tone. I start at the front and turn her over ensuring I don’t miss any part. I must admit that certain parts of her fascinate me; the way her body curves when she is open, the crease in the small of her back. I can tell she appreciates me and is excited by my touch; she shifts, bends & folds begging to be turned over & over & over & over again until we finish.

I love you Book(s) … you are a thing of beauty.