The Final Boss

I have always held in suspense a side of me that I do not want others to see. At times I’ve acknowledged this in my writing— My most popular phrase…

“I'm not afraid of the dark side of human nature and will bend the rules some time.”

Buried in the darkness inside a cave full of honey is my heart. As it relates to matters of a four letter word beginning with L and ending in E— Because my mind is warfare, The Final Cor Boss will have the power to quiet my soul and be my peace. Se will shine light into the darkness, scaling the cave to receive all of the honey and sweetness therein.

“Cor” is Latin for Heart. Shout out to my HS Latin teacher Shirleia

Am I the prize? Don’t answer, it’s rhetorical.

I believe we all have a dark side. Y’all don’t need to know mine, however for this writing’s sake lettuce’ say that I Am very critical of others and this is something I don’t want others to see.

One of the stories I’ve told myself and the people who matter, is that there are some things that I do not like about myself, and those things prevent me from getting close to others— my dark side showing up and showing out.

What happens when someone shows up and they are Sunshine?

I have a girl whose pussy is so good, if you threw it up in the air, it would turn into sunshine.

That has to be enough to illuminate the darkness, right?


Ay yo the sun don't shine forever, but as long as were here then we might as well shine together

Those are lines for movie scripts and lyrics for songs, but what if we learned to love our dark side? We could tell someone else, allowing some sunshine into the dark area of our life. It’s just another part of us, nothing to be ashamed of.

Admitting it to others helps them connect to you in a more intimate way.

It won’t provide a cure, but it does provide a gentler, more loving way of viewing ourselves, and dealing with life and all of it’s ironic twist.

Don’t be afraid of your dark side, show this side of yourself some love,


I Am