A Short Story Starring A Virgo

A Short Story Starring A Virgo

When your toxic traits are isolation and avoidance but your love language is physical touch and quality time, you tend to make up stories in your head.

A Short Story Starring a Virgo

A common criticism Virgo receives behind their back, more often dead in their face, is that of being nitpicky and critical. I'll come back to this but first... A Virgo is moving on up to a deluxe apartment 19 floors in the sky-eye-eye. Often cyclical, a Virgo will ask for help, and be critical of that help, thus causing a Virgo to (1) Do it themselves (2) Never ask for help again…

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Loyalty to ideas. Three days late, however in keeping with my promise to post every Sunday, here are my random observations about the previous week.

Of Excuses

We all have that special acquaintance that complains about everything & yet nothing. You offer your intelligently hedonistic solution and they respond with “No, it’s not that” and provide every excuse why it won’t work, can’t work except for the obvious … they are crazy.

I needed help moving a few large pieces out of storage. The move would have only required an hour with most of that time spent driving from Public Storage to the new spot. I had a full month to move everything, which I was able to do with the exception of the larger pieces. I asked a few people that owned trucks to help me out but was met with excuse, after excuse, weekend after weekend.

Mr.TramueL’s Observation of Excuses: (1) If someone says he will do something "without fail," he won't. (2) Everybody lies, but it doesn't matter, because nobody listens.

Of Transition

Transition into the new space, I always feel at home with books, candles, plants & pictures. My favorite things. I’m able to rest because my space is filled with the things I love, but I haven’t slept well while adjusting if that even makes any sense.

My employer informed me that effective 12/31/2010 our line of business would transition to a completely different role & I was given the opportunity told that I have to decide by September 10, 2010 to state that I was “all in” or it would be considered a voluntary resignation.

Transition whether good or bad carries anxiety and nervous energy that cause you to set high expectations. While loyalty is admirable, sometimes you have to listen to me now & believe me later … Mr.TramueL’s Axiom: Variables won't, constants aren't. Leave.

In case you missed the point, this applies to both personal & business.

Of Superstition

Completely random but I was curious.

New neighbors ended up helping me move my things into my space. They would not enter, they would slide the pieces through the door and ask if I was okay. {Insert sincere appreciation followed by a sarcastic remark} I tried to research it but couldn’t find anything {maybe ‘cause it’s two thirty four in the a.m.}

“Never take a broom along when you move. Throw it out and buy a new one.” Couldn’t find an origin, needless to say I didn’t want to risk whatever consequences so I obliged.

Mr. “all or not at all” TramueL