Checking In. Checking On.

I had a friend check in with me this week. We spoke about (me) having a good week and hitting all my ‘metrics’ — Meditation, prayer, exercise, reading, water, sleep and I checked in/checked on some folks while minding my business. They in turn discussed the challenges they faced and asked how I outwardly manage to hold things together.  

I am hopeful, despite my circumstances, because I choose to be happy.

My mother’s death keeps me in a recurring state of hopelessness and despair. In these times of darkness I isolate, I use that time alone to pull up my strength. It is not our circumstances that make us miserable, but our choice of thoughts, our attitude, and our actions.

At this point I Am not afraid of bad things happening but good things not happening. I Am learning to focus on the good things in my life.

Good Things…

I have wonderful kids. I had the power to change my job. I have simplified my life. I have my health. I live in a beautiful space. I have family who love me. I have friends who care about me.

This approach sounds simplistic, however challenging in its application. Here are some things that help me extend grace, while allowing the space needed for an understanding of self-contentedness. 

I Fall-Back

Cut off noxious relationships, remove distractions and any-one/thing that takes of your time but are not adding value.

I Seize the Day

Skifftamiftically speaking I feel that due to my circumstances” … There are times when I don’t know what I am doing five hours in the future much less five years. Constantly we reimagine our past, while worrying about our future. It is doubly dynamic, but just seize the day.

I Plan

Create a plan. Write it down, read it every day and STFU – Keep it to yourself. You don’t need a “co-signer” for your dreams only effort, intention and follow through.

One hour at a time turns to one day, turns to one week, turns to one month, turns to one year, turns to …


Breath and smile,

I Am