Checking In. Checking On.

Checking In. Checking On.

I had a friend check in with me this week. We spoke about (me) having a good week and hitting all my ‘metrics’ — Meditation, prayer, exercise, reading, water, sleep and I checked in/checked on some folks while minding my business. They in turn discussed the challenges they faced and asked how I outwardly manage to hold things together.  

I am hopeful, despite my circumstances, because I choose to be happy.

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Alphalary for a Healthy Lifestyle - Laughter Learning Limits Living Love Longevity

Alphalary for a Healthy Lifestyle - Laughter Learning Limits Living Love Longevity

I went to see Don ‘D.C.’ Curry Saturday with NOVA. Sitting next to her, a woman a year older than me who looks better than a twenty-five year old — this isn’t subjective, she takes care of herself physically, mentally, and spiritually. In contrast I watched a man ten years older walk out on stage, semi-assisted, to a stool to sit in while he performed his set.

I Am reminded of the impermanence of life.

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Change II

Change II

I turned 50 on September 21st, to make it memorable I took a solo excursion to Philadelphia. There are advantages to traveling alone, for me it solidifies what I believe about myself; I enjoy myself when no one else is around, I Am self-reliant, and adaptable. Additionally, the opportunity for self reflection is valuable. Without a travel partner, I can create and store my own sense of meaning from each trip. Self-reflection can be painful at times, but also fulfilling. Time alone while traveling presents an opportunity and a gift to take a careful look at yourself, your life, and your experiences.

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Sealey's Sanitary Barber Shop

Sealey's Sanitary Barber Shop

Sealey's Sanitary Barber Shop, Established 1945

In an article published in The American Scholar, Eric Fridman wrote, "The success of a barbershop is more than a testimony to the skills and courtesies of its owner. It also bears witness to the barbershop's importance as a ritual place where the private and public concerns of men conjoin to create an experience of psychological comfort, social significance, and simple masculine pleasure."

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Random Observation #4,500

Random Observation #4,500

The other morning Mrs. T and I had a ‘difference’ about some insignificant thing, at the time it was not as insignificant as I hopped in the shower, got dressed and went to see a man about a horse. I honestly do not remember what the thing was, I do however remember thinking that most of us operate under the assumption that our way of doing life is mostly correct, and others’ ways are varying degrees of wrong.

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Still Have the Weekend

Still Have the Weekend

This weekend there were three fantastic moments where time seemingly stood still, allowing me to store them into a mental rolodex.

Listen to your heART

The Harvey B. Gant Center opened four new exhibitions over the weekend. I know, but I am unable to communicate why art fills us with emotion, I’ve tried to explain but apparently I’ve said it badly.  

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Top Five Things I Would Do But …

Top Five Things I Would Do But …

Every month this year has provided a theme, not one that I choose but one that has a hold on everyday life. A theme that plays in all aspirations; love, career, wealth, children, health, education. This month’s theme has been happiness. I’ve shared that I’ve become stagnant with the work that I do and the universal response has been “What is it that you want to do? What will make you happy?”

Those are the right question(s) and I’ve started trying to figure them out.

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Style and Substance

Style and Substance

2015 Year End Reflection

Improve relationships, healthy living, write more, read more (less television), increase income, increase savings, find ways to stay in love, practice humility (intellectually, socially and emotionally), get organized (in general, but also finances, insurance & other important records), smile & laugh more, grow spiritually and meditate.

My “better thinking” goals are just aspects, some of the parts that make up the whole of 2015. Growth and life’s lessons are (were) a consistent theme.

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Work Ethic

Work Ethic

True story; my life began to change the moment I grew a beard and started taking better care of myself. 

Mute your dissent

Also true, life became much easier when I began to place less value on material things and truly live within my means. At the time of this observation it wasn't a choice, rather something forced upon me. Workforce Reduction, translation = laid off. 

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